Mechi’s Jupiter Adventure — Episode 1

3 min readDec 3, 2021


Mechi the robot opened his eyes slowly. His vision was rather blurry but he finally regained some control of his body. His robotic legs felt cramped and stiff. He summoned all his strength and finally got up on his two feet. Mechi found himself in the middle of an abandoned and unfamiliar desert. The dry sand was brownish-gold. It was so dehydrated that there were cracks all over the place. The desert appeared endless and creepy.

Mechi scratched his head in confusion and wondered what this strange place was. All he could remember was his self-built Mechi’s Speed Rocket crashing into a planet. His survival instincts kicked in, so he picked a direction at random and kept walking.

After what felt like hours of walking under the scorching sun, a wooden sign suddenly appeared within his line of sight. Feeling relieved, Mechi dashed towards the run-down sign. It read “This way. Or this way. You’re lost anyway.”

First, he turned to his right. In the far distance, he saw a great red mega-hurricane. It had tremendous suction power and violent winds that blew 270 miles per hour. He did a quick search in his database and immediately recognized that he might be on the planet Jupiter. He looked towards the left, and all he saw was a massive but deep black cave. There was nothing inside but darkness and emptiness. His gut instincts told him to take the path of the cave, as it is the only chance of survival.

Mechi nervously steps into the cave, as his eyes automatically lit up with a yellowish-white beam of light. The Torch Eyes were also equipped with laser beams, X-ray vision, and the ability to see through opaque objects. Using his Torch Eyes, he carefully navigated the ominous cave. Sadly, all he saw was a never-ending tunnel that would probably lead to nowhere. He started to panic but a spine-chilling voice interrupted his train of thought and echoed creepily through the walls of the cave.

“WHO IS INTRUDING MY TERRITORY!!!” boomed the suspicious voice.

A shadow in the shape of a robot was cast on the wall of the rocky cave. It grew bigger and bigger as the seconds went by. From the corner, a robot very similar in appearance to Mechi emerged from the darkness.

Both robots shouted at the same time.

“Mechi? IS THAT YOU?”


Mechi realized that it was his long-lost brother from their home planet, Earth. A decade ago, Meg was sent to Jupiter by his boss to carry out a top-secret mission. After five long years, he was reported missing. Mechi was absolutely devastated and worried for his brother’s safety. On his own, he spent the next five years building “Mechi’s Speed Rocket” to go to Jupiter to find his brother. However, the spaceship crash-landed and the crash knocked out Mechi.

They embraced each other and shared their stories from the past decade. Turns out, Meg had just recently got attacked by a monster, and he ran to this cave to hide from it. Mechi was shocked by this news and said

“Why don’t you fight ba — ”

“BOOM! BOOM!” a loud stomping noise came from outside the cave.




Written by Ernie


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