A robot suspiciously approached Mechi and started projecting a 3D live hologram video of Christopher X, the CEO of Hex Dimensions.
“Mechi, I have an important mission for you, please come straight to my office when you hear a beep,” Christopher said in his usual serious tone.
A silent, awkward minute went by as the expressionless robot stood still in front of Mechi. An alarm-like beep was cast from the robot’s loudspeaker. Mechi ran towards Christopher X’s office in a panic. He started having flashbacks of his traumatizing experience in Jupiter and the loss of his poor brother, Meg.
“Please don’t send me to another dangerous mission, I can’t risk my life again! Please no!!!” Mechi thought to himself.
Mechi’s stretched out his trembling hands towards the door handle and opened it. A very stern-looking Christopher X swiveled around on his big boss chair with a you-have-done-something-wrong expression.
He continued, “Anyway … I need you to go down to the Mariana Trench to discover new deep-sea creatures for … umm … reasons … Okay, go pack your belongings and head off!”
“Ummm… boss…while I am here I want to mention one thing, I think that our engineering team is very very very unreliable and underqualified … Their recent innovations almost got everyone killed!”, Mechi responded in desperation.
“That’s space inventions, not submarines! What? Do you think submarines are very hard to build??? They are like a piece of cake!!! QUICKLY, TIME IS RUNNING!!! YOU HAVE WASTED 56 SECONDS OF MY PRECIOUS TIME” Christopher responded in irritation.
Mechi sprints towards the Department of Engineering’s Head, Gloo. He enters his rusty garage. However, his office looked like it came straight out of a landfill. He had dirty cups everywhere, empty chip bags on the floor, and sticky popcorn buckets scattered all over the couch where Gloo was lounging and binge-watching Netflix movies.
He went over and requested politely for the safest deep-sea submarine he has. Gloo waved his hand in the direction of his garage, not even bothering to make eye contact with Mechi. Mechi shrugs and selects the Deep Blue Unit. It is a Compact Nuclear Submarine made out of titanium with bullet-proof glass, it comes with a two-passenger exploration pod that can be detached from the submarine.
The interior comprises of an observation deck, panoramic bulletproof window, and a state-of-the-art control room. Within the main control room, they were surrounded by radar panels, vibrantly-colored buttons, a steering wheel, and torpedo launching panels.
Bigspea, Mechi’s new assistant, who replaced the officially ‘declared missing’ Seeree, came with him on this adventure. They took the Deep Blue Unit to the depths of the Mariana Trench. Bigspea navigated down 11 thousand meters of sunlight zone, twilight zone, midnight zone, the abyss, and then the trenches. What they didn’t notice was a stealthy shadow that has following them since they reached trenches…