Hex Dimension is a multinational corporation based on Earth that specializes in all things space. It is run by one very powerful and wealthy man named Christopher X, the CEO. The company is divided into eight departments: the Department of Space Missions, the Department of Space Mining, the Department of Alien Research and Communication, the Department of Engineering, the Department of Armed Forces, the Department of Alternative Energy Source, the Department of Intelligence, and the Department of Medicine. As of recent, this organization has been valued at $1 trillion USD.
Meg is the Head of the Department of Space Missions. One morning, he was called to meet Christopher X, the CEO of the company, in a secret location. Sitting nervously in the quiet room, Meg wondered if he had done something wrong. His mind was racing with millions of possibilities.
“Did I forget to come to an important meeting? Did I forget to check an important message? Am I getting fired?” Meg thought to himself anxiously.
Unlike Meg who was a robot, Christopher was a human. He had always been an intimidating man. He walks slowly into the dimly-lit room with his cool black suit, white shirt, black tie, luxurious watch, and a fountain pen in his left breast pocket. Whenever Christopher was around, nobody dared to make a noise, not even a whisper.
Christopher walked through the doors with his hands behind his back and approached Meg with a ‘you-have-done-something-wrong’ facial expression. Meg’s heart started racing while his body shivered in fear.
“I have a dangerous and highly confidential mission for you, your colleagues at the Department of Space Missions, and Group 5 from the Department of Space Mining, to complete”, Christopher said in a serious tone, “This mission requires you to find an alternative energy source for humankind, as solar power can no longer support the massive human population.”
Meg’s sighed with relief and his heart finally went back to a normal pace. Being the hard-working robot that he is, he got to work immediately. He raced back to his office building at the Department of Space Missions. Meg knew exactly what to do. He grabbed the Light Year Space Saucer which was recently developed by the Department of Engineering. The flying saucer was shaped like a flat sphere, and as it powered up, orange lights circulated it in a mesmerizing way.
Meg had gathered a total of thirty robots across the Department of Space Missions and the Department of Space Mining. They gathered inside the crowded flying saucer. Everyone was assigned a special seat with a Type 4 seatbelt that strapped them in tightly for takeoff. Meg pressed a red button and the engine roared. Everyone’s bodies felt enormous pressure push them back uncontrollably into their seats as they shot up into the sky at the speed of light.
Unfortunately, due to the poorly engineered flying saucer, a technical malfunction occurred and the vehicle disintegrated shortly before landing on Jupiter. While Meg and some of his colleagues survived the near-fatal crash, many of them were left seriously injured.
Meg was absolutely distraught. He swore to himself that the moment he arrived back on Earth, that he is going straight to Christopher’s office and filing a massive complaint. This was not the first time the Department of Engineering had made such horrendous mistakes.
Everyone hastily searched the remaining debris for any radios or communication devices. When they realized that they have lost all contact with the Headquarters of Hex Dimension, they panicked frantically at their desperate and hopeless situation.
“HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP US!!!” they all screamed.
A series of neon-lit codes flashed across Meg’s robotic eyes. When Meg was first built, he had a Hyperfocus Program installed in him. This implies that Meg can enter hyperfocus mode whenever he needs to while calculating just about anything around 100 times faster than the average robot. Currently, his motherboard’s processor is calculating how to build a radio transmitter out of the debris from the flying saucer. After one minute, his eyes lit up with a ray of hope.
“BOOM! BOOM!” a thunderous stomping noise traveled from a distance …