What Is Gaming Addiction?

1 min readAug 31, 2021


gaming setup

Gaming addiction is playing video games for extended periods of time. People who are addict to video games have difficulty controlling the time they spend on it. Gamers feel upset when they are told to stop. I think someone who has a gaming addiction is when the game starts to affect their daily life in school, at work, and at home.

A study in Hong Kong in 2017 showed that on average, 13.9% of male students spent over 20 hours a week playing video games. Mainly, video games are designed to make you play forever. Levels and scores lure players to keep on playing the game. Sometimes this is because you trying to beat a high score. This is a problem for students because they become less interested in schoolwork, family, sports, and friends.

In rare scenarios, people do binge gaming: playing nonstop for long periods. This is a lot of strain physically and mentally. For example 2012 a teen in Taiwan collapsed in an internet cafe because of playing a game called Diablo III. He played for 40 hours straight without eating or sleeping.




Written by Ernie


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