If I could change something about the world, I would stop the gradual mass extinction scientists have predicted will happen becuase of climate change. This is because of two reasons, which I will explore in further detail in my essay.
To begin with, I think that we have a lot of precious species in this world and it is upsetting to lose them. Once a species goes extinct, we will never be able to get them back. Aside from losing the animals, the food chain will be distrupted, causing more animals to die.
Furthermore, people and animals may struggle to acclimatize to the new environment. This is because some food sources for us may go extinct too and this would lead to famine. Losing trees and plants would mean most of our carboen dioxide is not converted to oxygen. That can be very harmful to us.
In conclusion, I think that it is important that we work together stop the 6th mass extinction that is going to be caused by us. To accomplish this goal, we can recycle, eat less beef, be less wasteful, and more.